Kamis, 07 April 2011

Happy birthday Mas Uul

3 April 2011

I’m happy today. Do you know? My uncle, Muhammad Rofi’eul Ichsan has birthday 27­th today.

He is my uncle, yeah although he is so fussy but he is so kind to me n my daughter n the other. May Allah give bless to you, always put Allah in your heart, keep health, don’t change, give you the best way, n keep be my uncle. Don’t lavish to your money, keep saving n hope you can buy a car soon hehe.. My relationship with my uncle is getting closer after I’m in Jakarta with him. He like to invited me to go out, watched movies, or had a delicious dinner hoho.. Not only as a phsyicaI that I got but I also learn from him to not give up, hard work, n life experience. In fact, I want to give the gift for your birthday, but I don’t know what I’m supposed to give. I can’t give you a gift but I pray to Allah for you.

This is my uncle with the black spectacles

Thanks for the delicious food at the duck king,mas. May Allah give “berkah” for everything you do. A lot of pray for you.

Happy birthday my uncle, we love you 

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